
Friday, May 26, 2006


刚刚10.30pm, 接到个没 caller ID 的电话, 一听之下, 原来是妈妈. 真的吓了我一跳.
每次接到妈妈的来电, 我都会被吓到.
因为在我离家往南部生活 10 年来, 她的来电是寥寥无几的, 少到数 5 根手指头都绰绰有余.
可能因为我不像哥哥姐姐, 我平常平均每星期拨电回去一次. 然后就随她爱聊什么, 聊多久, 听听她发的牢骚, 爸爸又干了什么令她捉狂的事, 宝宝又学会了什么... 好"特别"吧, 大学时都听朋友打电话回家向父母撒娇, 而我是听妈妈发牢骚. 哈哈..

今天是因为我这星期还没打电话回去 , 那淘气宝宝睡着了, 刚好她想起我交代她的东西.
印象最深刻的是 1999 年我跟大学朋友去 Bangkok back-packing 的那次, 我还记得电话内容. "去玩这么久, 舍得回来了没有".
她好关心我哦 ~

今年农历新年我在 U.S. 时, 也没忘了拨电话回家. 玩到 Las Vegas 还因为公共电话拨不回大马, 我为了在团年饭时与他们聊天, 开始捉狂. 最后用了我手机漫游服务拨了回家. 虽然看手机帐单时是有点心疼, 但没什么, 也没后悔.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


同事在 Manaus 工干时中风, 昏迷, 开刀后逝世.
53岁的年龄, 一个飞行了大概 30 小时的行程, 听说因为太 stress 而几天没睡好.
然后就 ...
虽然我和他没什么联系, 也不熟悉, 但也是伤心的.

生命无常, 请好好爱惜生命, 要惜福啊!
工作太 stress 了就出去吹一吹风, 晒一晒太阳 (smoking is definately a BAD idea!).

Monday, May 22, 2006

"we eat for living and humans live for eating"

This is what came across my minds many times today.
~ learnt from Over The Hedge.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


好一个忙碌的周末, 太多约会了.
昨天一大早就出去, 直到半夜才回家.
我们也终于决定下了我们的旅游地点, 给了钱, 在6月初去香港.. yeah..
正经事办完, 我们就开始去玩了, 去了4小时的 ktv. 原来 ah gal 是歌后, 歌声超凡, 真是有眼不识泰山..
我也如愿以偿的唱了Hoobastank 的 Reason, 只可惜找不到莫文蔚的新歌 :(

我的下半场是赴 da Vinci code 之约. 可没浪费我花了3个星期啃那 600 页的书. 事实是,永远都是文字表达得较完美,较详细. 电影是个 summary, 把形容词都省略了.但这还是值得一看的戏.

今天也一早出去了. 某某人生日近, 我跟Brian去 JB 跟她吃饭看戏.
又看戏了, 今天看 Over The Hedge. 好戏一场, 算是今年内我看过最好的动画片, 比 Ice Age 2, The Wild .. 强了许多. 无论是内容, 情节, 或笑料. 如果你还没看, 快!别走宝..
那 Jusco Tebrau City也蛮搞笑, da Vinci code 都已上映了, 还在戏院门口贩卖着本书. 为了让看戏不明白的人看原版小说, 找寻书中的奥妙?

Singapore Idol 又开场了.今晚就播放了发明星梦人的面试,娱乐性特高. Dick Lee 这回就收儉了不少. 他答应他不再说 please get out of here. 反而 Ken Lim 成了坏人. 坐在4位评判的最后一位,他有时避不了要给些不好听的结案.老实说, 我觉得 Ken Lim 的表情是面试时最有看头的部分,他把眼镜戴的像老花眼镜般, 像老伯. Dick Lee 也不赖, 别人在唱歌, 他在 yawning..

Friday, May 19, 2006


system architect....
因为他每天都给我惊喜.... giving me sunshine everyday......
今天老板忽然电话招我去开会, 问我懂不懂 IC packaging 已从原本的 64 只脚换去 80 只脚.
我不知道, 没有人跟我讲.
于是老板打电话给system architect, system architect 说他已通知我老大.
then, communication breakdown.
i am the function owner and was not informed on the changes.
然后system architect 说了 64 只脚 与 80 只脚 IC 的分别.
"只是多了几只脚" 听了差点让我喷饭.
拜托, 瞎眼的都懂得这数字上的分别啦 ...

当全世界都 design / layout freezed 的时候, 我的部分是例外的.
今天才申请 IC library, layout 方面就慢慢等吧.
最快下星期才拿到, 然后才可以开始 schematics, layout, 才可以出板.

下午6时许, 老板开始 panic 了. 以命令加哀求的口吻叫我确定下拜一可以把 layout 搞定和寄出去做板. 我也上火了, 因为原则上我也是受害者. 老板, 不是我不要做. 我是在今早10am 才知道我的 IC 长多了脚, 现在拖延的不是我, 是没有 library, library is from Europe. You pushing me now, it's no use. basically i had well prepared my schematics, just waiting for the library.

不好意思, 我就是没大没小, 尤其是错不在我的时候.
怪不得没得升级啦 ...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

sien + not happi = ?

sien + not happi = ?
i said: sien + not happi = bang myself to wall.
shifu said: sien + not happi = push that bad ppl to bang the wall.

too bad, the bad guy is our system architect, such a HIGH level ppl that simply strike-off my design without telling me the WHY. hey, i am the function owner OK?
anything to do with the design, i am the one being blamed, please respect me ok??!!!

of coz, being angry coz his attitude is not a wise choice, i went to talk to him.
apparently, he dun really HOW the system (my function) works...
system architect ah... if dunno, pls ask, dun simply strick-off others' hardwork and respect others ok?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


下午, 我老大 (我的顶头老板 - immediate boss --> functional manager) 与 PCK (真名来的, 不是 phua chu kang! 但好像只是一字只差. he is my dotted-line boss...我是一只小苍蝇, 一大堆老板)来找我, 用了花言说 "you had been nominated as the committee for the Open House event"
si mi Open House event? 顾名思义, 就是公司开放日, 让员工家人来看看他们的工作环境. anyway, 我也是坏人一名 "my family members not here, not related to me" 死未 ~~
虽然我是坏人一名, 但也假假问了日期, 因为我有几个私人计划, 从六月份到八月份.
老大想了想, 说了一个六月份的周六..
我开心的说了"i am sorry. that day is my birthday, i don't want to work on that day."..
both of them stunned there.. wa haha...
i am not cheating them, they can just check out my info...
谁叫他们好选不选, 选中我生日那天. 想叫我周六加班已是万万个不爽, 还是我生日那天?
真是完美的理由, 没有人敢叫我在生日那天工作. 哈哈 ~~

Sunday, May 14, 2006

ah gal 的第一次

ah gal 把她的第一次 blading 献给了我们.
好感动啊 ~~

故事一开始, ah gal 开车载我们去 ECP. 乖乖女 ah gal 平时只开车 to / from Bishan / Toa Payoh.. Thus, 大清早在 PIE 某车站载了我之后就迷路了. 无端端走到 Raffles Places 那边. 前座两个女人忙着看路, 我这个路痴则躲在后座看报纸. 两人忙了许久后, 我从后座挖了本 street directory 丢到前座女人那边, 结果还被骂. 说干么现在才拿出来. 天啊, 这又不是我的车, 谁懂有这本书啊 ?
anyway... 还是平安到达了目的地. (乖乖女 doesn't mean lousy driver, just another 路痴. 嘻嘻..)
me and sc, 两个半桶水的 skaters, 敢敢当起导师, 令可怜的 ah gal 摔了数不清的跤.
我们是在两年前学 skating 的. 老实说正统的方式早就忘了. we both just based on HOW we skate, then teach her. poor gal, falls down so often at the beginning, 裤子后面都吊满了垃圾. but could really see she learn it by heart, really so hardworking to balance herself, and to shout when she is falling. wa seh, just really she actually is a good "shouter". 我们两人一左一右护着她, 她还真的认真到..满头大汗, 手心冒冷汗. haha..
but her results not bad, the results is better than some of my colleagues. they not dare to blade by themselves after taking 4 lessons! ah gal at least tried to skate by herself, though with funny looks and required us to guard her.
(was wondering, when i was learning to blade, did i have such funny looks, walking like a DUCK?!)
today we just did it for very short distances. almost 1/3 of the normal distances we took. coz new gal learning lah.. she had really exhausted for this short distances. after we "finished" the blading, we suggested to go for some cold drink.
going for Haagen Diazs.. hehe.. doing a short work-out and eating ice-cream.. yummy....
the FAT intake seems higher than the sweat flew out... :)

cannot make it

i cannot figure out how much you care for me.
i cannot feel how much i meant for you.
i cannot foresee how far our future is.
i cannot guarantee how long i'll wait for you.

is there anyone out there that cares for another person but then being missing in action for weeks or months?
who is willing not to reply the sms from the one he loves?

i am just an ordinary gal that required your attention, care and love.
love is not about saying.
i need you to show it to me.
whoever knows to SAY, but who could actually it?
I don't require you to do me something special.
i only require to have specific location in your heart and you to allocate your precious times for me.


Monday, May 08, 2006

good morning

a very good morning to you.. it's 1.40am now.
really wondering which weirdo still awake and not sleeping on a late Sunday / early Monday morning. yes, i met one.. someone in my MSN, in Penang still awake, he said he is working... lol..
i am here now, coz the caffein i took this afternoon had really carried away my minds... insomia ah.... caffein ah.... love you and YET hate you lah.....
what to do ah.. had tried, reading the da Vinci code till 1am+ just now, making my eyes very tired but yet my minds still awake. da Vinci code... so a thick book, i had just read up to page 199.. still long way to go to the page 600!
going to read the thick book again, hope i could finish it up before the movie came on screen in mid May.
ciao ~~

Sunday, May 07, 2006

finally i love friday again..

finally i love friday again. just wish to say this again and again.
i am glad that i am finally back to normal, and LIKING friday again on 2006/05/05.
because i am finally / officially out from THAT meeting. was really a nightmare for me for the friday for monthS ago.. attending the conference call with Europe counterparts, hearing their complaints and everybody pushing me for the solutions.. really a tough thing.

feel so stupid for joining the conf call, being slapping by them every friday 3pm and ruining my friday mode.
yeah yeah yeah... finally i love friday again....

coffee and tea at Sunday afternoon...

10pm, just finished eating my cheese roti and having soya bean now... hehe..
yes, you are right, this is my dinner. not coz on diet lah, only coz i was too fulled thus didn't take proper dinner.
this afternoon, i had a late lunch + 2 coffee break from 2.30pm to 6.30pm... steady leh..
had my late lunch at Yoshinoya with 2 frens at Bishan at 2.30pm. then walked around awhile and went for coffee break at Bistro Delifrance. then met another fren and "accompany" him for dinner at 6pm, and taking another cup of teh tarik.
taking the sinful coffee + tea, really worry i will have trouble to sleep tonight.. caffein.. pls dun take over my minds tonight.. i need to sleep.
i could have enjoying the chocolate now as well.. my fren's fault. he should have pass me the chocolate at 6pm today, BUT he left it at home!!!!! passing me the chocolate is one of the purposes we were meeting up today.
i do believe eating chocolate will make us happy..chocolate has the HAPPY element in it. this is how i entertain myself in office normally. and i do have sources for chocolates in office.. hehe.. just walk around and steal for chocolates..

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

blading on 20060430

终于盼到了滑轮的日子. been raining so often lately and couldn't go for blading. miss blading so much. why i like blading so much? not coz i like the feeling when speeding, in fact, i blade slowly.. no strength. hehe.
these few days, my msn title is "i need some sunshine". yes, i really need the sunshine. like today, though the very hot sun almost burning my skin, making my skin into the almost "cao ta" colour, but the feeling very good.. sweating all over but feel very good.
我喜欢滑轮时和风伴着我的感觉. 无论滑得快或慢,你都会感觉到东海岸的风一直在你左右, 伴着你. 重点是滑轮是很个人的事. 听着 MP3, 戴着墨镜与鸭舌帽, 在自己喜欢的速度下奔驰. 看看海边的人们, 有滑轮的, 骑脚踏车的, 跑步的, 露营的, 晒太阳的, 散步的, 还有在海上玩风帆的 ... 重点是这个东海岸有大家爱看, 超养眼的 bikini babes. trust me, it's real. and MANY!! bikini babes that bz blading, cycling, jogging, sun-tanned or other activities. 除了视觉上的享受, 味觉上也不赖. 滑轮时可闻到不同的味道, 有咸咸的海水味, BBQ的香味, BBQ 的 cao ta 味, 七里香的味道...

summary, a morning blade for about 2 to 3 hrs had really tanned me up, body aching for the next few days, but still to say "it feels GOOD"!