
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

blading on 20060430

终于盼到了滑轮的日子. been raining so often lately and couldn't go for blading. miss blading so much. why i like blading so much? not coz i like the feeling when speeding, in fact, i blade slowly.. no strength. hehe.
these few days, my msn title is "i need some sunshine". yes, i really need the sunshine. like today, though the very hot sun almost burning my skin, making my skin into the almost "cao ta" colour, but the feeling very good.. sweating all over but feel very good.
我喜欢滑轮时和风伴着我的感觉. 无论滑得快或慢,你都会感觉到东海岸的风一直在你左右, 伴着你. 重点是滑轮是很个人的事. 听着 MP3, 戴着墨镜与鸭舌帽, 在自己喜欢的速度下奔驰. 看看海边的人们, 有滑轮的, 骑脚踏车的, 跑步的, 露营的, 晒太阳的, 散步的, 还有在海上玩风帆的 ... 重点是这个东海岸有大家爱看, 超养眼的 bikini babes. trust me, it's real. and MANY!! bikini babes that bz blading, cycling, jogging, sun-tanned or other activities. 除了视觉上的享受, 味觉上也不赖. 滑轮时可闻到不同的味道, 有咸咸的海水味, BBQ的香味, BBQ 的 cao ta 味, 七里香的味道...

summary, a morning blade for about 2 to 3 hrs had really tanned me up, body aching for the next few days, but still to say "it feels GOOD"!


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