
Thursday, April 27, 2006


还没踏入 30 大关就不得不承认我是年老多病的人. 从那痛了整4个月的嘴巴开始. 连2个医生都拒绝医疗并说这是没问题的, 因为那关节并没有脱矫. 痛的人是我, 所以说这是个问题, miss adjustment or not, i don't care.
这两天多了个新病痛, 脚抽经. 睡到半夜快天亮是不知怎的, 脚一动, 就在左小腿处开始抽经. 还真的非常痛!
我这一幅老骨头, 零件开始松了吗? 虽然我非常少 (actually almost NO)运动, 但我每天走很多路. 上班下班的各15分钟路程 is minimum walk. 还每天在工作时间年从 electrical lab 走到 mechanical lab, 更可能到 CAD 那边, 还有 software area, 我是每天不计其数的 exercising my legs 的.

OK OK.. i will try to do more exercise. The weekly aerobic kickboxing almost taking my life, spending 1hour doing the non-stop jumping and stretching.. (luckily it will only last for about 8 weeks.. heng!)
summay: ppl that looks healthy always NOT SO healthy. lol...

secretary week

This week is secretary week. Of course this "festival" has nothing to do with me, as I am NOT secretary. Me not qualified as secretary as I don't wear short skirt or heels to office and do not have the power to "electricute" guys. Only got ONE point in me that suited, if i am secretary, as I could type fast without seeing keyboard. haha... thanks to those day when i was the icq-queen.

OK.. point is.. secretary week, i stole a rose from our pretty and sexy secretary.. haha..
So lovely of her, for letting me stealing her lovely pink rose.. but she is bad either, that she said she gonna give that bouquet of flowers to her mum for Mother's Day present.. how dare she wanna do that!!!This is rose, not carnation lah.. hehe.. and she also hinting that her hubby never give her any flowers so far. Haha.. Then, my bosses (paiseh, I just have too many bosses in office nowadays) suggest to give her a dinner treat on this special occasion for her.. for being our good secretary. Then we also inviting her hubby lah, our ex-boss (another boss again!)..

6 of us going for the sushi dinner.. so happy that my painful mouth not giving much problem today, as i managed to stuff sushi into my mouth!.. really gotta thank GOD for it.. and still same conclusion as last time, Sakae is just NOT my type of drink. Do not know how to appreciate it.

And the dinner also meant for some kind of farewell.. as the complicated reorganization process, merging 2x different unit (in same department) together, I will be reporting to the boss from the another unit. Then... this sexy secretary would no more supporting me.. sob.. sob.. 4 of the colleagues went for the dinner, only ME reporting to this new boss. whereas i am the in the functional / competency team, others in project team. well, there are good and bad things for this new arrangement.. let's see...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Eight Below

Went for this show last Friday night..
Is a nice show which meant to cheat your tears... :p
story about how the 8 dogs that WAITING for their owner to pick them up, to away from the snowy south pole during winter time.

How they lived on their own in the nobody land... and i just found out that dogs DO eat birds..

Poor Old Jack died coz he believed his owner be back for him asap. So he refused to be escaped from the locked chain on his neck. And yet, he died.. Really a big cry when his owner is back, and found this Old Jack is still there, the place he locked him up, dead body was covered under the snow.

And... those highly named prof will be rewarded for his contribution of some findings. Noone is cares on who had been sacrified during his trip.
He had been highly recognized, but yet he refused to rescue the dogs. The dogs that saved his life in the snowy land. He probably forgotten how the smart Maya passing him the rope in order to drag him out from the frozen lake.
he is really a bastard, even though at end of the show, he is like a "good man" that spent $$ to go in north pole again to rescue the dogs.
late is late. no matter how. the death body will not be alive anymore.


Bishan xV is lousy cinema... sound distortion in their sound system!
before the show starts, during advertisement time, already heard the sound distortion.. I don't say I have good ears lah.. but both me and ah gal heard the distortion PLUS i am audio ppl.. how to say OK?
and, i don't feel the surround effect as well.. where it gone??


如果爱只是单纯的我爱你你爱我, then happily ever after.

太多的外在因素, 把爱变得复杂.
多虑, 含蓄, 举棋不定都放一边吧.

是对的就去争取吧, 该放手的还是让他自由吧!

我们就把障碍都除掉, 好好爱一场, 好吗?

Monday, April 24, 2006

low morale

low morale...seeing the pathetic increment of my salary..
just received the increment letter this evening.. wa lau er.. 3.74%
sad ah.. made me so low morale and don't feel like working already.
maybe i should be syukur lah.. 2 years back, my increment was only $40.
just NICE for me to buy 2x CDs..

ya, you might be saying, this increment thing is linked to your performance.
well, if so, i need not to work so hard / late for this year already, coz no matter how, i still getting same grade.

the key should be.. be work smart, no need to work hard.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006






同事更猜是被 soldering iron kissed 到.. 当然是错啦.. 若是 soldering iron, 伤痕是依照soldering iron 的形状 and will have the white colour cao ta there..

答案是, 我撞墙. shoud say, i long piak again. 昨天, 在洗手间手撞上了墙角. me super careless, always long piak. and this time bang at this funny place, at my finger.

I know.. I should be more careful. 要好好照顾自己..

Monday, April 17, 2006


又来了... 睡到半夜会苏醒的状况又来了. 上回是差不多每天凌晨2点钟, 我都会摸不着头脑的自然醒来, 不是因为发恶梦, 被下雨吵醒或手机响起.
这回时间改了, 从2点换去3点, 还是凌晨, 还是没有原因. 每次醒来都 blur blur 的捉一捉头, 看一看手机的时间, 想一想为什么醒来, 再叫自己再次入睡.
any idea WHY or not? dun tell me is ghost ah.... touch wood ya.. last weekend, even I went to sleep at 1am, i still got up at same timing, at 3pm.. kinda weird...
ops.. or is there anyone out there missing me? then i anyhow "sense" it and responding to it??

thank you darling...

Saying Thanks to my darling for writing me an article and recommending me a nice song. just to say.. everything had been cooled down. not fully, at least for the time being.
had stopped my craziness.
remembered i noted down words from 刘庸's book, forgotten the title of the book plus the actual wordings. was stored in my HP but dunno anyhow, deleted it accidentally.
如果人没有梦想与期待, 是不是就不会失望与沧桑?
seems i m just adapted to what saying by 刘庸 since long ago..
well, i could only say.. been cooled down, not that i had "resolved" the problem, but i chose not to think of it. where i knew no matter how i mad/crazy for it, i couldn't change anything. I would still need to wait to see the outcome, when the day comes. who knows when is the FINALLY the day will come?
是不是心在很久很久就死掉, 所以很久很久都没有什么心动, the drastic up and down kind of feeligs.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

秘方 please..

想学冬鲸@東京藝妓, 要在此寻求秘方...
of course.. 本小姐没有鸡眼.. choi!! touch wood please...
and also got no photo to show.. haha...
嘴巴痛啦 .. ...
没长什么东西, 其实就好像嘴巴关节脱矫, 在左边.
开始在一月份. 大大小小地痛了大概4个月!
最难受是我在新年期间在 US 的那两个星期, 嘴巴痛的高峰期.
then 我也在那期间忍痛啃了很多汉堡包, 三文治, 还有很硬的面包 ..
1. 嘴巴张不大. 结果我吃汉堡包时是一层一层吃的. 害别人以为我假斯文, 吃东西这样慢与.
2. 痛, when i applied stress / biting.
3. 更痛苦是嘴巴张不大,不是吃不到 sushi!! 连吃最爱的, 大大的 fuji apple 都很痛..

终于在上个星期去了 company's panel doctor 那边看.
她说这脱矫问题属于牙科, 叫我去看牙医 ..
then asking me to do more mouth exercise..
但给了我某某消毒药, in case got infection inside..
药是吃完了, 当然 no cure lah.. coz the medicines is not 对症下药 what..
秘方..秘方 please...
please don't ask me to punch myself.. 暴力是不能解决问题的!!

Monday, April 10, 2006


南下北上10年余, 对那超过800km, 超过12小时的路程早已麻木不仁了. 从一开始对长途跋涉的难耐, 杀死人的空调的妥协, 到安慰自己没什么, 就快到. 即使是长途的彻夜未眠, 腰酸背痛, 寒冷交加, 我已没什么感觉. 当朋友投诉路程令他们腰酸背痛时, 我只是笑笑, 因为我对这些都没什反应与感觉.
就这一次, 忽然质问自己,
WHY am i doing all these?
WHY to travel somewhere so far for living?
WHY to stay in this little island so long?
not happy that I can't give myself the answers.
I do not know why i am here.
我只是不小心考上了南部的大学, 也不小心经朋友介绍下在这小岛里讨生活. 没什么计划, 只是把青春都花在南部了.
忽然有种的感觉 ...



Saturday, April 08, 2006

与 shi fu lim kopi

上个周末回家乡, 没能出席 shi fu 邀我的 kopi. 还好今天 shi fu 赏脸我邀他的 kopi break. 下午2.30pm, 好早的一个 kopi break, 我赶个半天还是迟到了. super paiseh.. 我不是爱迟到的人, 今天纯属偶然, 我不是故意的. 记录中, 这20分钟的迟到 rank number 2. 那 top ranking 的是大概一小时多, 纯属意外. 那次我不小心把房门反锁了, 锁匙在房内. 我独自在客厅徘徊, 只能一直打电话. 忘了是那一个好心的 housemate 回来相救. 但可怜了 ah gal, 等了我一小时多. 也算了, 咱哥儿两, 还是别解释太多了. 想一想, shi fu 离开我这他口中的 best company on earth 已两年多. 如今想吃回头草却还没找到门路. 这个爱搞音乐的才子一直都在不同的领域搞音乐, 从这 best company on earth 里搞电视的 acoustic 后去了某 M 字头搞手机 acoustic, 在那超扁的 candy bar 手机挖了史上最大的 speaker 洞. 还真服了他. 现在 shi fu 在教育界搞音乐, 当 poly 的 lecturer, 好难想象哦. 以前每天 polo T 上班的他现在是老师. 更搞笑的是他的教师证上那衬衫笔笔,边头发往后梳的照片. 这身在教育界的 shi fu 承认他还心係工程界, 教育界的生活是太闲了, 明显少了当日常有的头痛, 呼吸困难与胸口疼痛. 期待 shi fu 重处江湖, 最好回来这 best company on earth, 再次一起把坏人打死.. hehe


爱丽丝终于找到机会, 与梦中情人见面. 约在一家小商场, 那是星期一的下午一点. 她好慌, 紧张地早到了. 手机响起, 是他来了. 那个青色衣服的人就是她朝思暮想, 认识了3年多才正式第一次出来吃顿饭的人. 两人问声好后就开始找寻午餐地点. 选了家没冷气的 pizza hut. 两人开始互相打量对方. 他并没有她想象中的老成, 也不再梳那个 ah pek 头, 好年轻的打扮. 她也没为他特别打扮, 只洒了少许香水. 吃 pizza 的速度是缓慢的, 她只想让时间停留在那面对面的时刻. pizza 只是摆设品, 互相深情对望才是正餐. 吃完 pizza 后, 两人走在商场里, 她心里犹豫他会不会牵起她的手; 如果他牵了, 她要怎么反应 ... 走着走着他忽然很自然的捉住了她的手. 不, 应该是牵起了她的手. 她也忘了该这么反应, 只是本能的甩开了他的手. 他也连续几次试着再牵她的手却失败了. 她不是不想与他十指紧扣, 只是心中有愧, 仿佛自己在被叛另一个人. 时间终究是溜走了, 到了别离的一刻. 他她依依不舍. 在停车场他二话不说忽然想给她个吻别. 她措手不及, 只轻轻推开她. 没什么原因, 她只想把那定情的吻留在一个较为妥当的地点, 不是这个空气不流通的停车场. 两人终究这样结束了那次的见面.

kari hu tau 奉劝爱丽丝别轻举妄动, 别在公共场所与任何人有任何亲密动作, 当心被深灰蓝色衣服的人开罚单, 控上法庭...