
Friday, June 23, 2006


今年她的17号, 她受到了好多祝福 sms, 让她超开心的.
有阿瑕, 阿芬, 冬鲸, bryan, dragon, tiang tiang, sky, ah gal, wenli, benjamin, 16号, kjh, agnes, 陈老大, cynthia, lawree, waihoong, kenji, sc. 起码有19个祝福.
那天她因为几个理由就在2天周末北上回家. 回家的长途巴士睡觉途中就陆续收到了几个短讯祝福, 有冬鲸, benjamin, 16号与bryan.

最准时的是bryan. 其实bryan是brian, 只是她爱叫他bryan, 因为他说他讨厌有尾巴的 bryan 这个名字, 所以她就要作弄他. 反正不是他的真名. 其实bryan是很贴心的朋友, 每年都记得她的生日并发送生日祝福短讯. 去年她孤零零在 Budapest 时, 是他的祝福温暖了她. 到现在, 去年的那短讯还被收在她手机的 inbox.
冬鲸与16号在半夜她在长途巴士睡觉途中献上祝福. 16号一定是那天去了midnight shopping, 还搞了个她生日日期的新手机号码 xxxx0616.

细心的阿瑕与阿芬在那天还送上了 mocha 蛋糕! 她有好多年没切蛋糕了, 蛋糕上的2大9小蜡烛好热闹哦. 明年就可省了, 只须3枝蜡烛罢了.

wenli献上祝福的时候还特地告诉她, 自己已北上KL看王力宏去了. "晒命"!!
kjh的祝福让她很惊喜,因为kjh在n年前已跟她吵架,也不再讲话了,但他老是很关心她,老向其他同事打听她的境况, 但就是不跟她讲话.她有回因为工事而找他,他好像见到鬼一般,她话还没讲完就想转身走开,害她一直追着他,叫他别跑.她不是小气的人,既然别人还记得她的生日,很有心了,她就像平时般跟他在短讯里哈啦起来,虽然是国际短讯.

还有老爱玩失踪的tiang tiang,也发了短讯来,好惊喜啊! bryan帮tiang tiang取了个花名叫 tiang lampu.

ah gal很早就送她生日礼物了,就是她在香港选中的 hard rock cafe T-shirt.ah gal懒惰想送她什么礼物,结果就吵着帮她付钱了事.但还是要谢谢ah gal,也在那天发了短讯给她.

那个她叫他 angel 的 lawree也记得她生日,是那回去西藏做准征时让他看到了生日日期.叫他angel 是因为有回他发了个有关 angel 的短讯给她.而她,就自认是 devil. 那则短讯还在她手机的inbox:
when i was a kid,
my mum told me that angels live in heaven.
now i know that it's not true!
coz if angels live in heaven,
why are you here :)

when i was a kid,
my mum told me that devils live in hell.
now i know that it's not true!
coz if devils live in hell,
why am i here

当然 SP 与大学那班朋友也很有心啦.
i treasure you ALL as my friends.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

15 16 17 18 19

其实我不知道他是15号, 直到15号那天.
15号那天我跟他很有缘. 平日在公司可以几天没遇见, 或夸张的说可以几星期都没能遇见.
但15号那天, 我从一大早就遇见了他. 因为下雨, 我舍弃了走路而乘搭了231巴士. 就在巴士上遇见了他.
他的脚伤还没痊愈, 已几个星期了. 他说这是他踢足球时被臭老外推倒并受伤的. blah... blah.. blah...
放工时又遇见他, 3个人各问去那里, 原来大家都只是一起走去巴士与地铁站, 然后各走各的路.
他说他回家切蛋糕. 我还一时回不过头, 干嘛回家切蛋糕?
难道是他生日? 是的, 他也是 June Baby...
我也忽然想起, 我认识15号, 16号, 17号, 18号与19号.
all the June babies in sequences...

16号是我的大学系友. 打从住进宿舍开始就跟她很有缘, 她住我隔壁房.
她比我大一天, 我们俩相依为命的在S09宿舍3楼渡过大一, 整个3楼就只有我们两个华人.
我对她的感觉, 用这些字来形容最不为过: 见山是山, 见山不是山, 见山还是山.
简单的说法就是本来我以为我们很相象, 然后发现不是, 但后来又发现我们其实是思想上蛮接近的.

然而在她终于找着了那么一个同年同月同日生的人时, 她放弃了当初的愿望, 因为她不想让事实粉碎美丽的梦. 她想让美丽的梦继续. 在大学时也遇上另一名同年同月同日生的人, 就住在后巷. 一样的, 她也让机会溜走, 没去认识那为男生.
她也有另一个梦, 她一直都有在找寻别的17号, 属于什么月份的都不重要. 她认识的第一个17号是冬鲸, 小一就认识了. 后来还有个姓符的男生, 但刚插班进来又转校了.

18号是个年轻的小男生. 也刚刚前几天才懂他是18号.

跟他不熟落, 只那么一次跟他说话: 跟他借电源. 干嘛讲个不熟落的小男生呢? 因为他是个长得不错又可爱啰. 有一天 BY 告诉我, 有人说我 slim. 把姐姐我弄到很开心, 花了不少时间那 BY 才肯揭晓是他说的. 结果我请了 BY 去楼下的 cafe 吃冰淇淋. 也让 BY 传话给他听, 说有个姐姐说他很可爱. 前几天在电脑室上课没事干, 就在公司 network drive 找东西, 因为这里可以找到mp3! (这公司的人都是把私人物件放在 network drive). 结果就凑巧开到某人的 network drive 有他的 folder! 里面有好多他的照片, 还有扮 spiderman 趴墙的照片. 也是在当天知道他是18号. 18号年轻到... 才刚刚22岁, 生于1984年, 我一年级的时候.
anyway, 18号 is a contract staff, be leaving this company soon, coz contract ending soon. :(

19号是大学系友. 没有很熟悉. 多久没见面了, 最后一次见面该是在大学毕业典礼那天吧.
虽然没有长联络, 但我每次都会在她生日那天献上我的祝福, 除了今年.
不知道她还好吗. 该去找找她的电邮, 通通信, 聊聊天了...

Thursday, June 15, 2006


比如, 他是这么死的, 为什么会死 .. 然后前世如何造就今世的你?

虽然身为一位不虔诚的佛教徒, 但是我是相信前世今生的存在.

我相信我前世是烟鬼. 一位香烟不离手的烟鬼, 抽烟抽到死掉的家伙. 所以我今生老无端端咳嗽, 喉咙痛. 曾经一度咳嗽超过2个月. 咳不停, 咳到我怕, 担心就这么咳死掉.
另一个原因是我超讨厌烟民, 尤其那种自以为有型, 把点燃的烟放高高举着, 以为这是酷.
^($*%^&*-#^@#..! 这是空气污染!
各位老兄, 抽烟时麻烦体谅别人, 把点燃的烟放底一点, 也把嘴里的烟吹得体谅一点.
我没有意思要剥夺你抽烟的权利, 我只想要吃个无烟的午餐.

我相信我前世是被水淹死的. 所以我怕水.
曾经2度去学游泳, 但没学成. 第一次是敢敢拿大学课外活动的学分来开玩笑. 学到乱七八糟, 学分也被我搞到惨不忍睹. 第二次是公司的活动. 学到一半好死不死 SARS 降临这岛国, 搞到没人敢去泳池. 然后学游泳这回事也泡汤了.

我也相信我前世死的时候还很年轻. 是感觉吧, 没什么可以解释.
从小就看不到所谓的未来在那里. 也想过遗嘱要如何写, 遗物要如何分配..
好无聊的想法. 这可能因为小时候很近的看到死亡的降临.

然后 A + B + C ...
我的前世是烟民, 因为抽烟抽到糊里糊涂而失足掉到海里淹死, 死的时候还很年轻.
哈哈... end of the story.

言归正转, 我相信我前世(们)是好人, 种下不少慧根. 让我有幸在今生拥有美好的一切, 家人, 朋友, 环境...感恩. 我只想把福报转下去..
我的小孩. 昨天刚呈递我的申请表格. 我没选择小孩的国籍, 这就让缘分来注定吧.
我相信你也可以办得到, 试想想, 每个月RM50的数目根本没什么. 一个简单的周末活动, 看场电影, 买件衣服, 喝某高级品牌咖啡, clubbing... RM50就不见了.
我质问自己: 少看一场电影, 少买一件衣服, 少逛点街.. 会不会死? 答案是不会. 少少的RM50就可以让因为没有干净的水喝而死亡的小孩得到重生.

Monday, June 12, 2006


FIFA 来了, 满城沸腾.
to my surprise, my dear nation tv, rtm2 is showing the live match! woh.. just watched the japan vs australia. wah.. how come the australia team won? me 哈日 one leh... (sorry for those australia fans, can't help it, 我哈日).the last FIFA was really the nice one, the matches were in Asia, the matches were during our day time. we, as the tv ppl, of coz having the privillages to watch the matches, even though during office hours! the most memorable match was the one between France and Brasil. everybody just hook up the tv, with the biggest screen size, best seat, then sit there nicely for the games. ya, even the managers, management teams came to join us. we had made the process of watching soccer match as the official event already, no need to hide hide while watching it.. haha..

i will try to watch the games as much as possible.
well, of coz depending on the parties involved. is there any handsome fellas or not...


最近好像在工作上很空闲, 自从部门重组后.
re-organization. 我的老板还是我的老板, 但是间接性了 (dotted line), 不再是我的顶头上司. 我把顶头上司称为老大.
从前是 officially function owner of audio, then doing documentation of the team, sub functions is to take care of whatever rubbish in the team, from cable dressing to esd problems, trial run support, model making coordinating... 以前总看到我在公司满场跑, software, mechanical, engineering, safety, quality ... 以前是老板的左右手, 老板不在, 找我也一样行. 前两个月还一人包两个 function, 忙得不亦乐呼..
现在是 officially working in audio only. whatever kind of help required, please talk to my immediate boss. no more required to support other functions.
for weeks, sitting at my desk, doing HSI (hardware software interface), functional and design checklist, studying new ICs... boh pian, one project platform, been changing from IC A to IC B, then the IC B growing from 64 pins to 80 pins.
最另我不解的是, 我们还偶尔要 PR suppliers! suppliers 来关我什么事啊???!!! suppliers come to introduce their new ICs, but don't they know that we have the super strong semiconductor? even though your ICs are good, but how? it's not up to us to choose. our 1st choice of ICs are always from our own's semiconductor what, unless there's something really bad, cannot make it, then only we can source for other suppliers.

at this moment, many ppl became my bosses now. long ago, i only has a boss, my project leader. now my immediate boss is functional manager, then i am also dotted line to development project leader, electrical project leader, system integrator, electrical competency manager, electrical lab manager...... blah..blah...
means, when i need to do a single change, i need to get approval from at least 4 ppl. what he heck! what is the benefits of this kind of ways of working?
i dun see the flexibility of getting my job done, to improve the so called quality. more and more ppl assigned to trace /find the problems but lesser ppl assigned to solve the problems.

today the project leader showing his care by asking me is it i am going back hometown this weekend, means i will go back 'early' (early = knock off from office on time, 5.45pm). well, not he really cares for me, it's coz this friday is the important day, to start up our new board. he hints me that i should be bz for this event. well, i just sorry to tell him that "starting up the board is not my job, is the system integrator's job". admitted, i am a bit nasty in this, since i am now in the functional team, this SYSTEM job is no more my job. i am very OUT from what's going on in the project already. i don't know when is the milestones, when is the model making ... i am lost..

after all, the sad case is, when i asked for job rotating, my ex-boss had somehow rejected me and then the re-organization came in placed. i am not only lose the chance to have job rotating, but had been really away from the project team. i had been stucked in this particular function 100% now.

if you were to ask me which i prefer, the old one or the new one?
i would tell you i like the old system. i rather be bz like hell, but i would be happy to learn on new things, especially cross functional tasks. and i like to walk around to get my things done, i scare to sit at my desk and doing what checklist lah, documents lah.. can sleep there one ah....
~~ 我想找条出路, 到底有没有出路 ~~

Friday, June 02, 2006

minds and souls relaxing...