
Sunday, March 05, 2006

残祸 2006/03/04

窝在家里的一天. 上午满怀欣喜的洗了被单与床单. 然后分别放在两个竹竿, 放在组屋外, 等待阳光的照耀. 然后在想像今晚会有香香的太阳的味道的被单与床单. 嘻嘻. 雀悦万分.
4 时许, 想去收取它们是, 我的妈呀, 为何只省下一支竹竿, where is the another one??
oh no... 残祸发生了, 我不小心成了高楼抛物者, 整支竹竿与床单不知什么时候, 什么情况下掉了.
我只好赶快拿了个塑料袋跑下楼, 找寻我的床单. poor thing.

SINCERE APOLOGISE from me to whom may concern....
- dunno got hit anyone while it was falling down or not.
- dunno is there any cat down there when it was happened or not. even though i quite HATE these stupic cats at normal timing, but I would not wanna kill them.
希望5楼掉下的东西不会对任何人或动物照成伤害. 应该是的, 因为没看见任何血迹在残祸现场.

I told my fren abt this, seems i am "quite" lucky..
His bedsheet falled down from HDB before.... when he picked up the bedsheet, got dunno is dog shit or cat shit inside.
HENG ah.. no such thing on my bedsheet.


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